Grover disease is an acquired epidermal blistering disorder in which keratinocytes lose intercellular connections. While its pathologic features are well defined, its etiology remains unclear, and there is no FDA-approved therapy. Interestingly, Grover disease was a common adverse event in clinical trials for cancer using B-RAF inhibitors, but it remained unknown how B-RAF blockade compromised skin integrity. Here, we identified ERK hyperactivation as a key driver of Grover disease pathology. We leveraged a fluorescent biosensor to confirm that the B-RAF inhibitors dabrafenib and vemurafenib paradoxically activated ERK in human keratinocytes and organotypic epidermis, disrupting cell-cell junctions and weakening epithelial integrity. Consistent with clinical data showing that concomitant MEK blockade prevents Grover disease in patients receiving B-RAF inhibitors, we found that MEK inhibition suppressed ERK and rescued cohesion of B-RAF–inhibited keratinocytes. Validating these results, we demonstrated ERK hyperactivation in patient biopsies from vemurafenib-induced Grover disease and from spontaneous Grover disease, revealing a common etiology for both. Finally, in line with our recent identification of ERK hyperactivation in Darier disease, a genetic disorder with identical pathology to Grover disease, our studies uncovered that the pathogenic mechanisms of these diseases converge on ERK signaling and support MEK inhibition as a therapeutic strategy.
Cory L. Simpson, Afua Tiwaa, Shivam A. Zaver, Christopher J. Johnson, Emily Y. Chu, Paul W. Harms, Johann E. Gudjonsson
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