Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a debilitating disease characterized by persistent accumulation of leukocytes within the articular cavity and synovial tissue. Metabololipidomic profiling of arthritic joints from omega-3 supplemented mice identified elevated levels of specialized proresolving lipid mediators (SPM) including resolvin D1 (RvD1). Profiling of human RA synovial fluid revealed physiological levels of RvD1, which — once applied to human neutrophils — attenuated chemotaxis. These results prompted analyses of the antiarthritic properties of RvD1 in a model of murine inflammatory arthritis. The stable epimer 17
Lucy V. Norling, Sarah E. Headland, Jesmond Dalli, Hildur H. Arnardottir, Oliver Haworth, Hefin R. Jones, Daniel Irimia, Charles N. Serhan, Mauro Perretti
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