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Authors of in-press JCI Insight articles may provide preprints, grant interviews, and discuss their work with members of the press, but not more than one week prior to online publication of their article, and provided that the journalist agrees to abide by the JCI Insight embargo. Authors are asked not to participate in public news conferences until the embargo has lifted. If a member of the media wishes to reprint figures and/or tables from a JCI Insight article, please direct the request to JCI Insight as outlined below.
Authors are welcome to present material from their in-press JCI Insight article to colleagues at scientific meetings. However, authors should not comment beyond the content of their presentation, nor provide whole copies of their paper, presentation, or any part thereof to members of the press or other individuals in attendance.
Any questions or issues regarding prepublication publicity or the JCI Insight embargo policy should be directed to:
Corinne Williams, Ph.D.
Science Editor
Journal of Clinical Investigation