Severe dysfunction in cardiac muscle intracellular Ca2+ handling is a common pathway underlying heart failure. Here we used an inducible genetic model of severe Ca2+ cycling dysfunction by the targeted temporal gene ablation of the cardiac Ca2+ ATPase, SERCA2, in otherwise normal adult mice. In this model, in vivo heart performance was minimally affected initially, even though Serca2a protein was markedly reduced. The mechanism underlying the sustained in vivo heart performance in the weeks prior to complete heart pump failure and death is not clear and is important to understand. Studies were primarily focused on understanding how in vivo diastolic function could be relatively normal under conditions of marked Serca2a deficiency. Interestingly, data show increased cardiac troponin I (cTnI) serine 23/24 phosphorylation content in hearts upon Serca2a ablation in vivo. We report that hearts isolated from the Serca2-deficient mice retained near normal heart pump functional responses to β-adrenergic stimulation. Unexpectedly, using genetic complementation models, in concert with inducible Serca2 ablation, data show that Serca2a-deficient hearts that also lacked the central β-adrenergic signaling–dependent Serca2a negative regulator, phospholamban (PLN), had severe diastolic dysfunction that could still be corrected by β-adrenergic stimulation. Notably, integrating a serines 23/24–to–alanine PKA-refractory sarcomere incorporated cTnI molecular switch complex in mice deficient in Serca2 showed blunting of β-adrenergic stimulation–mediated enhanced diastolic heart performance. Taken together, these data provide evidence of a compensatory regulatory role of the myofilaments as a critical physiological bridging mechanism to aid in preserving heart diastolic performance in failing hearts with severe Ca2+ handling deficits.
Frazer I. Heinis, Brian R. Thompson, Rishi Gulati, Matthew Wheelwright, Joseph M. Metzger
Recently, skeletal stem cells were shown to be present in the epiphyseal growth plate (epiphyseal skeletal stem cells, epSSCs), but their function in connection with linear bone growth remains unknown. Here, we explore the possibility that modulating the number of epSSCs can correct differences in leg length. First, we examined regulation of the number and activity of epSSCs by Hedgehog (Hh) signaling. Both systemic activation of Hh pathway with Smoothened agonist (SAG) and genetic activation of Hh pathway by Patched1 (Ptch1) ablation in Pthrp-creER Ptch1fl/fl tdTomato mice promoted proliferation of epSSCs and clonal enlargement. Transient intra-articular administration of SAG also elevated the number of epSSCs. When SAG-containing beads were implanted into the femoral secondary ossification center of 1 leg of rats, this leg was significantly longer 1 month later than the contralateral leg implanted with vehicle-containing beads, an effect that was even more pronounced 2 and 6 months after implantation. We conclude that Hh signaling activates growth plate epSSCs, which effectively leads to increased longitudinal growth of bones. This opens therapeutic possibilities for the treatment of differences in leg length.
Dana Trompet, Anastasiia D. Kurenkova, Baoyi Zhou, Lei Li, Ostap Dregval, Anna P. Usanova, Tsz Long Chu, Alexandra Are, Andrei A. Nedorubov, Maria Kasper, Andrei S. Chagin
Here, we used digital spatial profiling (DSP) to describe the glomerular transcriptomic signatures that may characterize the complex molecular mechanisms underlying progressive kidney disease in Alport syndrome, focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, and membranous nephropathy. Our results revealed significant transcriptional heterogeneity among diseased glomeruli, and this analysis showed that histologically similar glomeruli manifested different transcriptional profiles. Using glomerular pathology scores to establish an axis of progression, we identified molecular pathways with progressively decreased expression in response to increasing pathology scores, including signal recognition particle–dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane and selenocysteine synthesis pathways. We also identified a distinct signature of upregulated and downregulated genes common to all the diseases investigated when compared with nondiseased tissue from nephrectomies. These analyses using DSP at the single-glomerulus level could help to increase insight into the pathophysiology of kidney disease and possibly the identification of biomarkers of disease progression in glomerulopathies.
Geremy Clair, Hasmik Soloyan, Paolo Cravedi, Andrea Angeletti, Fadi Salem, Laith Al-Rabadi, Roger E. De Filippo, Stefano Da Sacco, Kevin V. Lemley, Sargis Sedrakyan, Laura Perin
Despite effective antibiotic therapy, brain-destructive inflammation often cannot be avoided in pneumococcal meningitis. The causative signals are mediated predominantly through TLR-recruited myeloid differentiation primary response adaptor 88 (MyD88), as indicated by a dramatic pneumococcal meningitis phenotype of Myd88–/– mice. Because lipoproteins and single-stranded RNA are crucial for recognition of Gram-positive bacteria such as Streptococcus pneumoniae by the host immune system, we comparatively analyzed the disease courses of Myd88–/– and Tlr2–/– Tlr13–/– mice. Their phenotypic resemblance indicated TLR2 and -13 as master sensors of S. pneumoniae in the cerebrospinal fluid. A neutralizing anti-TLR2 antibody (T2.5) and chloroquine (CQ) — the latter applied here as an inhibitor of murine TLR13 and its human ortholog TLR8 — abrogated activation of murine and human primary immune cells exposed to antibiotic-treated S. pneumoniae. The inhibitory effect of the T2.5/CQ cocktail was stronger than that of dexamethasone, the current standard adjunctive drug for pneumococcal meningitis. Accordingly, TLR2/TLR13 blockade concomitant with ceftriaxone application significantly improved the clinical course of pneumococcal meningitis compared with treatment with ceftriaxone alone or in combination with dexamethasone. Our study indicates the importance of murine TLR13 and human TLR8, besides TLR2, in pneumococcal meningitis pathology, and suggests their blockade as a promising antibiotic therapy adjunct.
Susanne Dyckhoff-Shen, Ilias Masouris, Heba Islam, Sven Hammerschmidt, Barbara Angele, Veena Marathe, Jan Buer, Stefanie Völk, Hans-Walter Pfister, Matthias Klein, Uwe Koedel, Carsten J. Kirschning
Mutations in the cystic fibrosis (CF) transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene lead to CF, a life-threating autosomal recessive genetic disease. While recently approved Trikafta dramatically ameliorates CF lung diseases, there is still a lack of effective medicine to treat CF-associated liver disease (CFLD). To address this medical need, we used a recently established CF rabbit model to test whether sotagliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter 1 and 2 (SGLT1/2) inhibitor drug that is approved to treat diabetes, can be repurposed to treat CFLD. Sotagliflozin treatment led to systemic benefits to CF rabbits, evidenced by increased appetite and weight gain as well as prolonged lifespan. For CF liver-related phenotypes, the animals benefited from normalized blood chemistry and bile acid parameters. Furthermore, sotagliflozin alleviated nonalcoholic steatohepatitis–like phenotypes, including liver fibrosis. Intriguingly, sotagliflozin treatment markedly reduced the otherwise elevated endoplasmic reticulum stress responses in the liver and other affected organs of CF rabbits. In summary, our work demonstrates that sotagliflozin attenuates liver disorders in CF rabbits and suggests sotagliflozin as a potential drug to treat CFLD.
Xiubin Liang, Xia Hou, Mohamad Bouhamdan, Yifei Sun, Zhenfeng Song, Carthic Rajagopalan, Hong Jiang, Hong-Guang Wei, Jun Song, Dongshan Yang, Yanhong Guo, Yihan Zhang, Hongmei Mou, Jifeng Zhang, Y. Eugene Chen, Fei Sun, Jian-Ping Jin, Kezhong Zhang, Jie Xu
Dedifferentiation or phenotype switching refers to the transition from a proliferative to an invasive cellular state. We previously identified a 122-gene epigenetic gene signature that classifies primary melanomas as low versus high risk (denoted as Epgn1 or Epgn3). We found that the transcriptomes of the Epgn1 low-risk and Epgn3 high-risk cells are similar to the proliferative and invasive cellular states, respectively. These signatures were further validated in melanoma tumor samples. Examination of the chromatin landscape revealed differential H3K27 acetylation in the Epgn1 low-risk versus Epgn3 high-risk cell lines that corroborated with a differential super-enhancer and enhancer landscape. Melanocytic lineage genes (MITF, its targets and regulators) were associated with super-enhancers in the Epgn1 low-risk state, whereas invasiveness genes were linked with Epgn3 high-risk status. We identified the ITGA3 gene as marked by a super-enhancer element in the Epgn3 invasive cells. Silencing of ITGA3 enhanced invasiveness in both in vitro and in vivo systems, suggesting it as a negative regulator of invasion. In conclusion, we define chromatin landscape changes associated with Epgn1/Epgn3 and phenotype switching during early steps of melanoma progression that regulate transcriptional reprogramming. This super-enhancer and enhancer-driven epigenetic regulatory mechanism resulting in major changes in the transcriptome could be important in future therapeutic targeting efforts.
Karen Mendelson, Tiphaine C. Martin, Christie B. Nguyen, Min Hsu, Jia Xu, Claudia Lang, Reinhard Dummer, Yvonne Saenger, Jane L. Messina, Vernon K. Sondak, Garrett Desman, Dan Hasson, Emily Bernstein, Ramon E. Parsons, Julide Tok Celebi
Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a persistent skin disease typified by symptoms of dry skin and recurrent eczema. Patients with AD are at heightened risk for Staphylococcus aureus infection. Group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) are mainly activated by epithelial cell–derived cytokines IL-33 and involved in the pathogenesis of AD. However, little is known about the effect of skin delipidization on the epithelial cell–derived cytokines and dermal ILC2s in AD. In our study, we investigated the mechanism by which S. aureus infection modulates and exacerbates the pathogenesis of dry skin, leading to type 2 inflammation in the context of innate immunity. In vivo, we found that S. aureus infection aggravated delipidization-induced dermal IL-33 release and dermal ILC2 accumulation, which exacerbated skin inflammation. We also noticed that Il33fl/fl K14cre mice and Tlr2–/– mice exhibited attenuated skin inflammation. In vitro, treatment with necroptosis inhibitors reduced IL-33 release from S. aureus–infected keratinocytes. Mechanistically, we observed an increase in the necroptosis-associated kinases, MLKL and RIPK3, in S. aureus–infected mice, indicating that IL-33 release was associated with necroptotic cell death responses. Our results reveal that S. aureus infection–elicited keratinocyte necroptosis contributes to IL-33–mediated type 2 inflammation, which exacerbates the pathogenesis of dry skin.
Chia-Hui Luo, Alan Chuan-Ying Lai, Chun-Chou Tsai, Wei-Yu Chen, Yu-Shan Chang, Ethan Ja-Chen Chung, Ya-Jen Chang
The gut and local esophageal microbiome progressively shift from healthy commensal bacteria to inflammation-linked pathogenic bacteria in patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease, Barrett’s esophagus, and esophageal adenocarcinoma (EAC). However, mechanisms by which microbial communities and metabolites contribute to reflux-driven EAC remain incompletely understood and challenging to target. Herein, we utilized a rat reflux-induced EAC model to investigate targeting the gut microbiome–esophageal metabolome axis with cranberry proanthocyanidins (C-PAC) to inhibit EAC progression. Sprague-Dawley rats, with or without reflux induction, received water or C-PAC ad libitum (700 μg/rat/day) for 25 or 40 weeks. C-PAC exerted prebiotic activity abrogating reflux-induced dysbiosis and mitigating bile acid metabolism and transport, culminating in significant inhibition of EAC through TLR/NF-κB/TP53 signaling cascades. At the species level, C-PAC mitigated reflux-induced pathogenic bacteria (Streptococcus parasanguinis, Escherichia coli, and Proteus mirabilis). C-PAC specifically reversed reflux-induced bacterial, inflammatory, and immune-implicated proteins and genes, including Ccl4, Cd14, Crp, Cxcl1, Il6, Il1b, Lbp, Lcn2, Myd88, Nfkb1, Tlr2, and Tlr4, aligning with changes in human EAC progression, as confirmed through public databases. C-PAC is a safe, promising dietary constituent that may be utilized alone or potentially as an adjuvant to current therapies to prevent EAC progression through ameliorating reflux-induced dysbiosis, inflammation, and cellular damage.
Katherine M. Weh, Connor L. Howard, Yun Zhang, Bridget A. Tripp, Jennifer L. Clarke, Amy B. Howell, Joel H. Rubenstein, Julian A. Abrams, Maria Westerhoff, Laura A. Kresty
Radiotherapy induces a type I interferon–mediated (T1IFN-mediated) antitumoral immune response that we hypothesized could be potentiated by a first-in-class ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) inhibitor, leading to enhanced innate immune signaling, T1IFN expression, and sensitization to immunotherapy in pancreatic cancer. We evaluated the effects of AZD1390 or a structurally related compound, AZD0156, on innate immune signaling and found that both inhibitors enhanced radiation-induced T1IFN expression via the POLIII/RIG-I/MAVS pathway. In immunocompetent syngeneic mouse models of pancreatic cancer, ATM inhibitor enhanced radiation-induced antitumoral immune responses and sensitized tumors to anti–PD-L1, producing immunogenic memory and durable tumor control. Therapeutic responses were associated with increased intratumoral CD8+ T cell frequency and effector function. Tumor control was dependent on CD8+ T cells, as therapeutic efficacy was blunted in CD8+ T cell–depleted mice. Adaptive immune responses to combination therapy provided systemic control of contralateral tumors outside of the radiation field. Taken together, we show that a clinical candidate ATM inhibitor enhances radiation-induced T1IFN, leading to both innate and subsequent adaptive antitumoral immune responses and sensitization of otherwise resistant pancreatic cancer to immunotherapy.
Qiang Zhang, Long Jiang, Weiwei Wang, Amanda K. Huber, Victoria M. Valvo, Kassidy M. Jungles, Erin A. Holcomb, Ashley N. Pearson, Stephanie The, Zhuwen Wang, Leslie A. Parsels, Joshua D. Parsels, Daniel R. Wahl, Arvind Rao, Vaibhav Sahai, Theodore S. Lawrence, Michael D. Green, Meredith A. Morgan
CD4+Foxp3+ regulatory T cells (Tregs) play an essential role in suppressing transplant rejection, but their role within the graft and heterogeneity in tolerance are poorly understood. Here, we compared phenotypic and transcriptomic characteristics of Treg populations within lymphoid organs and grafts in an islet xenotransplant model of tolerance. We showed Tregs were essential for tolerance induction and maintenance. Tregs demonstrated heterogeneity within the graft and lymphoid organs of tolerant mice. A subpopulation of CD127hi Tregs with memory features were found in lymphoid organs, presented in high proportions within long-surviving islet grafts, and had a transcriptomic and phenotypic profile similar to tissue Tregs. Importantly, these memory-like CD127hi Tregs were better able to prevent rejection by effector T cells, after adoptive transfer into secondary Rag–/– hosts, than naive Tregs or unselected Tregs from tolerant mice. Administration of IL-7 to the CD127hi Treg subset was associated with a strong activation of phosphorylation of STAT5. We proposed that memory-like CD127hi Tregs developed within the draining lymph node and underwent further genetic reprogramming within the graft toward a phenotype that had shared characteristics with other tissue or tumor Tregs. These findings suggested that engineering Tregs with these characteristics either in vivo or for adoptive transfer could enhance transplant tolerance.
Yuanfei Zhao, Leigh Nicholson, Hannah Wang, Yi Wen Qian, Wayne J. Hawthorne, Elvira Jimenez-Vera, Brian S. Gloss, Joey Lai, Adwin Thomas, Yi Vee Chew, Heather Burns, Geoff Y. Zhang, Yuan Min Wang, Natasha M. Rogers, Guoping Zheng, Shounan Yi, Stephen I. Alexander, Philip J. O’Connell, Min Hu
Silver-Russell syndrome (SRS) is a heterogeneous disorder characterized by intrauterine and postnatal growth retardation. HMGA2 variants are a rare cause of SRS and its functional role in human linear growth is unclear. Patients with suspected SRS negative for 11p15LOM/mUPD7 underwent whole-exome and/or targeted-genome sequencing. Mutant HMGA2 protein expression and nuclear localization were assessed. Two Hmga2-knockin mouse models were generated. Five clinical SRS patients harbored HMGA2 variants with differing functional impacts: 2 stop-gain nonsense variants (c.49G>T, c.52C>T), c.166A>G missense variant, and 2 frameshift variants (c.144delC, c.145delA) leading to an identical, extended-length protein. Phenotypic features were highly variable. Nuclear localization was reduced/absent for all variants except c.166A>G. Homozygous knockin mice recapitulating the c.166A>G variant (Hmga2K56E) exhibited a growth-restricted phenotype. An Hmga2Ter76-knockin mouse model lacked detectable full-length Hmga2 protein, similarly to patient 3 and 5 variants. These mice were infertile, with a pygmy phenotype. We report a heterogeneous group of individuals with SRS harboring variants in HMGA2 and describe the first Hmga2 missense knockin mouse model (Hmga2K56E) to our knowledge causing a growth-restricted phenotype. In patients with clinical features of SRS but negative genetic screening, HMGA2 should be included in next-generation sequencing testing approaches.
Avinaash V. Maharaj, Emily Cottrell, Thatchawan Thanasupawat, Sjoerd D. Joustra, Barbara Triggs-Raine, Masanobu Fujimoto, Sarina G. Kant, Danielle van der Kaay, Agnes Clement-de Boers, Alice S. Brooks, Gabriel Amador Aguirre, Irene Martín del Estal, María Inmaculada Castilla de Cortázar Larrea, Ahmed Massoud, Hermine A. van Duyvenvoorde, Christiaan De Bruin, Vivian Hwa, Thomas Klonisch, Sabine Hombach-Klonisch, Helen L. Storr
Connexin43 (Cx43) is the most abundant gap junction protein present in the mesenchymal lineage. In mature adipocytes, Cx43 mediates white adipose tissue (WAT) beiging in response to cold exposure and maintains the mitochondrial integrity of brown adipose tissue (BAT). We found that genetic deletion of Gja1 (Cx43 gene) in cells that give rise to chondro-osteogenic and adipogenic precursors driven by the Dermo1/Twist2 promoter led to lower body adiposity and partial protection against the weight gain and metabolic syndrome induced by a high-fat diet (HFD) in both sexes. These protective effects were related to increased locomotion, fuel utilization, energy expenditure, nonshivering thermogenesis, and better glucose tolerance in conditionally Gja1-ablated mice. Accordingly, Gja1-mutant mice exhibited reduced adipocyte hypertrophy, partially preserved insulin sensitivity, increased BAT lipolysis, and decreased whitening under HFD. This metabolic phenotype was not reproduced with more restricted Gja1 ablation in differentiated adipocytes, suggesting that Cx43 in adipocyte progenitors or other targeted cells restrains energy expenditures and promotes fat accumulation. These results reveal what we believe is a hitherto unknown action of Cx43 in adiposity, and offer a promising new pharmacologic target for improving metabolic balance in diabetes and obesity.
Seung-Yon Lee, Francesca Fontana, Toshifumi Sugatani, Ignacio Portales Castillo, Giulia Leanza, Ariella Coler-Reilly, Roberto Civitelli
In humans, type 2 diabetes mellitus shows a higher prevalence in men compared with women, a phenotype that has been attributed to a lower peripheral insulin sensitivity in men. Whether sex-specific differences in pancreatic β cell function also contribute is largely unknown. Here, we characterized the electrophysiological properties of β cells in intact male and female mouse islets. Elevation of glucose concentration above 5 mM triggered an electrical activity with a similar glucose dependence in β cells of both sexes. However, female β cells had a more depolarized membrane potential and increased firing frequency compared with males. The higher membrane depolarization in female β cells was caused by approximately 50% smaller Kv2.1 K+ currents compared with males but otherwise unchanged KATP, large-conductance and small-conductance Ca2+-activated K+ channels, and background TASK1/TALK1 K+ current densities. In female β cells, the higher depolarization caused a membrane potential–dependent inactivation of the voltage-gated Ca2+ channels (CaV), resulting in reduced Ca2+ entry. Nevertheless, this reduced Ca2+ influx was offset by a higher action potential firing frequency. Because exocytosis of insulin granules does not show a sex-specific difference, we conclude that the higher electrical activity promotes insulin release in females, improving glucose tolerance.
Noelia Jacobo-Piqueras, Tamara Theiner, Stefanie M. Geisler, Petronel Tuluc
Tregs have the potential to establish long-term immune tolerance in patients recently diagnosed with type 1 diabetes (T1D) by preserving β cell function. Adoptive transfer of autologous thymic Tregs, although safe, exhibited limited efficacy in previous T1D clinical trials, likely reflecting a lack of tissue specificity, limited IL-2 signaling support, and in vivo plasticity of Tregs. Here, we report a cell engineering strategy using bulk CD4+ T cells to generate a Treg cell therapy (GNTI-122) that stably expresses FOXP3, targets the pancreas and draining lymph nodes, and incorporates a chemically inducible signaling complex (CISC). GNTI-122 cells maintained an expression profile consistent with Treg phenotype and function. Activation of CISC using rapamycin mediated concentration-dependent STAT5 phosphorylation and, in concert with T cell receptor engagement, promoted cell proliferation. In response to the cognate antigen, GNTI-122 exhibited direct and bystander suppression of polyclonal, islet-specific effector T cells from patients with T1D. In an adoptive transfer mouse model of T1D, a mouse engineered-Treg analog of GNTI-122 trafficked to the pancreas, decreased the severity of insulitis, and prevented progression to diabetes. Taken together, these findings demonstrate in vitro and in vivo activity and support further development of GNTI-122 as a potential treatment for T1D.
Gene I. Uenishi, Marko Repic, Jennifer Y. Yam, Ashley Landuyt, Priya Saikumar-Lakshmi, Tingxi Guo, Payam Zarin, Martina Sassone-Corsi, Adam Chicoine, Hunter Kellogg, Martina Hunt, Travis Drow, Ritika Tewari, Peter J. Cook, Soo Jung Yang, Karen Cerosaletti, Darius Schweinoch, Benjamin Guiastrennec, Eddie James, Chandra Patel, Tiffany F. Chen, Jane H. Buckner, David J. Rawlings, Thomas J. Wickham, Karen T. Mueller
Kidney tubules use fatty acid oxidation (FAO) to support their high energetic requirements. Carnitine palmitoyltransferase 1A (CPT1A) is the rate-limiting enzyme for FAO, and it is necessary to transport long-chain fatty acids into mitochondria. To define the role of tubular CPT1A in aging and injury, we generated mice with tubule-specific deletion of Cpt1a (Cpt1aCKO mice), and the mice were either aged for 2 years or injured by aristolochic acid or unilateral ureteral obstruction. Surprisingly, Cpt1aCKO mice had no significant differences in kidney function or fibrosis compared with wild-type mice after aging or chronic injury. Primary tubule cells from aged Cpt1aCKO mice had a modest decrease in palmitate oxidation but retained the ability to metabolize long-chain fatty acids. Very-long-chain fatty acids, exclusively oxidized by peroxisomes, were reduced in kidneys lacking tubular CPT1A, consistent with increased peroxisomal activity. Single-nuclear RNA-Seq showed significantly increased expression of peroxisomal FAO enzymes in proximal tubules of mice lacking tubular CPT1A. These data suggest that peroxisomal FAO may compensate in the absence of CPT1A, and future genetic studies are needed to confirm the role of peroxisomal β-oxidation when mitochondrial FAO is impaired.
Safaa Hammoud, Alla Ivanova, Yosuke Osaki, Steven Funk, Haichun Yang, Olga Viquez, Rachel Delgado, Dongliang Lu, Melanie Phillips Mignemi, Jane Tonello, Selene Colon, Louise Lantier, David H. Wasserman, Benjamin D. Humphreys, Jeffrey Koenitzer, Justin Kern, Mark de Caestecker, Toren Finkel, Agnes Fogo, Nidia Messias, Irfan J. Lodhi, Leslie S. Gewin
Neuroblastoma is an aggressive pediatric cancer with a high rate of metastasis to the BM. Despite intensive treatments including high-dose chemotherapy, the overall survival rate for children with metastatic neuroblastoma remains dismal. Understanding the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the metastatic tumor microenvironment is crucial for developing new therapies and improving clinical outcomes. Here, we used single-cell RNA-Seq to characterize immune and tumor cell alterations in neuroblastoma BM metastases by comparative analysis with patients without metastases. Our results reveal remodeling of the immune cell populations and reprogramming of gene expression profiles in the metastatic niche. In particular, within the BM metastatic niche, we observed the enrichment of immune cells, including tumor-associated neutrophils, macrophages, and exhausted T cells, as well as an increased number of Tregs and a decreased number of B cells. Furthermore, we highlighted cell communication between tumor cells and immune cell populations, and we identified prognostic markers in malignant cells that are associated with worse clinical outcomes in 3 independent neuroblastoma cohorts. Our results provide insight into the cellular, compositional, and transcriptional shifts underlying neuroblastoma BM metastases that contribute to the development of new therapeutic strategies.
Shenglin Mei, Adele M. Alchahin, Bethel Tesfai Embaie, Ioana Maria Gavriliuc, Bronte Manouk Verhoeven, Ting Zhao, Xiangyun Li, Nathan Elias Jeffries, Adena Pepich, Hirak Sarkar, Thale Kristin Olsen, Malin Wickström, Jakob Stenman, Oscar Reina-Bedoya, Peter V. Kharchenko, Philip J. Saylor, John Inge Johnsen, David B. Sykes, Per Kogner, Ninib Baryawno
Fibroblasts are stromal cells known to regulate local immune responses important for wound healing and scar formation; however, the cellular mechanisms driving damage and scarring in patients with cutaneous lupus erythematosus (CLE) remain poorly understood. Dermal fibroblasts in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) experience increased cytokine signaling in vivo, but the effect of inflammatory mediators on fibroblast responses in nonscarring versus scarring CLE subtypes is unclear. Here, we examined responses to cytokines in dermal fibroblasts from nonlesional skin of 22 patients with SLE and CLE and 34 individuals acting as healthy controls. Notably, inflammatory cytokine responses were exaggerated in SLE fibroblasts compared with those from individuals acting as healthy controls. In lesional CLE biopsies, these same inflammatory profiles were reflected in single-cell RNA-Seq of SFRP2+ and inflammatory fibroblast subsets, and TGF-β was identified as a critical upstream regulator for inflammatory fibroblasts in scarring discoid lupus lesions. In vitro cytokine stimulation of nonlesional fibroblasts from patients who scar from CLE identified an upregulation of collagens, particularly in response to TGF-β, whereas inflammatory pathways were more prominent in nonscarring patients. Our study revealed that SLE fibroblasts are poised to hyperrespond to inflammation, with differential responses among patients with scarring versus nonscarring disease, providing a potential skin-specific target for mitigating damage.
Suzanne K. Shoffner-Beck, Lisa Abernathy-Close, Stephanie Lazar, Feiyang Ma, Mehrnaz Gharaee-Kermani, Amy Hurst, Craig Dobry, Deepika Pandian, Rachael Wasikowski, Amanda Victory, Kelly Arnold, Johann E. Gudjonsson, Lam C. Tsoi, J. Michelle Kahlenberg
Sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitor, dapagliflozin (Dapa), exhibited nephroprotective effects in patients with chronic kidney disease (CKD). We assessed the efficacy of short-term Dapa administration following acute kidney injury (AKI) in preventing CKD. Male Wistar rats were randomly assigned to Sham surgery, bilateral ischemia for 30 minutes (abbreviated as IR), and IR + Dapa groups. Daily treatment with Dapa was initiated just 24 hours after IR and maintained for only 10 days. Initially, rats were euthanized at this point to study early renal repair. After severe AKI, Dapa promptly restored creatinine clearance (CrCl) and significantly reduced renal vascular resistance compared with the IR group. Furthermore, Dapa effectively reversed the mitochondrial abnormalities, including increased fission, altered mitophagy, metabolic dysfunction, and proapoptotic signaling. To study this earlier, another set of rats was studied just 5 days after AKI. Despite persistent renal dysfunction, our data reveal a degree of mitochondrial protection. Remarkably, a 10-day treatment with Dapa demonstrated effectiveness in preventing CKD transition in an independent cohort monitored for 5 months after AKI. This was evidenced by improvements in proteinuria, CrCl, glomerulosclerosis, and fibrosis. Our findings underscore the potential of Dapa in preventing maladaptive repair following AKI, emphasizing the crucial role of early intervention in mitigating AKI long-term consequences.
Miguel Ángel Martínez-Rojas, Hiram Balcázar, Isaac González-Soria, Jesús Manuel González-Rivera, Mauricio E. Rodríguez-Vergara, Laura A. Velazquez-Villegas, Juan Carlos León-Contreras, Rosalba Pérez-Villalva, Francisco Correa, Florencia Rosetti, Norma A. Bobadilla
Glucose homeostasis is achieved via complex interactions between the endocrine pancreas and other peripheral tissues and glucoregulatory neurocircuits in the brain that remain incompletely defined. Within the brain, neurons in the hypothalamus appear to play a particularly important role. Consistent with this notion, we report evidence that (pro)renin receptor (PRR) signaling within a subset of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) neurons located in the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (PVNTH neurons) is a physiological determinant of the defended blood glucose level. Specifically, we demonstrate that PRR deletion from PVNTH neurons restores normal glucose homeostasis in mice with diet-induced obesity (DIO). Conversely, chemogenetic inhibition of PVNTH neurons mimics the deleterious effect of DIO on glucose. Combined with our finding that PRR activation inhibits PVNTH neurons, these findings suggest that, in mice, (a) PVNTH neurons play a physiological role in glucose homeostasis, (b) PRR activation impairs glucose homeostasis by inhibiting these neurons, and (c) this mechanism plays a causal role in obesity-associated metabolic impairment.
Shiyue Pan, Lucas A.C. Souza, Caleb J. Worker, Miriam E. Reyes Mendez, Ariana Julia B. Gayban, Silvana G. Cooper, Alfredo Sanchez Solano, Richard N. Bergman, Darko Stefanovski, Gregory J. Morton, Michael W. Schwartz, Yumei Feng Earley
Tubular aggregate myopathy (TAM) and Stormorken syndrome (STRMK) are clinically overlapping disorders characterized by childhood-onset muscle weakness and a variable occurrence of multisystemic signs, including short stature, thrombocytopenia, and hyposplenism. TAM/STRMK is caused by gain-of-function mutations in the Ca2+ sensor STIM1 or the Ca2+ channel ORAI1, both of which regulate Ca2+ homeostasis through the ubiquitous store-operated Ca2+ entry (SOCE) mechanism. Functional experiments in cells have demonstrated that the TAM/STRMK mutations induce SOCE overactivation, resulting in excessive influx of extracellular Ca2+. There is currently no treatment for TAM/STRMK, but SOCE is amenable to manipulation. Here, we crossed Stim1R304W/+ mice harboring the most common TAM/STRMK mutation with Orai1R93W/+ mice carrying an ORAI1 mutation partially obstructing Ca2+ influx. Compared with Stim1R304W/+ littermates, Stim1R304W/+Orai1R93W/+ offspring showed a normalization of bone architecture, spleen histology, and muscle morphology; an increase of thrombocytes; and improved muscle contraction and relaxation kinetics. Accordingly, comparative RNA-Seq detected more than 1,200 dysregulated genes in Stim1R304W/+ muscle and revealed a major restoration of gene expression in Stim1R304W/+Orai1R93W/+ mice. Altogether, we provide physiological, morphological, functional, and molecular data highlighting the therapeutic potential of ORAI1 inhibition to rescue the multisystemic TAM/STRMK signs, and we identified myostatin as a promising biomarker for TAM/STRMK in humans and mice.
Roberto Silva-Rojas, Laura Pérez-Guàrdia, Alix Simon, Sarah Djeddi, Susan Treves, Agnès Ribes, Lorenzo Silva-Hernández, Céline Tard, Jocelyn Laporte, Johann Böhm
Substantial evidence suggests a role for immunotherapy in treating Alzheimer’s disease (AD). While the precise pathophysiology of AD is incompletely understood, clinical trials of antibodies targeting aggregated forms of β amyloid (Aβ) have shown that reducing amyloid plaques can mitigate cognitive decline in patients with early-stage AD. Here, we describe what we believe to be a novel approach to target and degrade amyloid plaques by genetically engineering macrophages to express an Aβ-targeting chimeric antigen receptor (CAR-Ms). When injected intrahippocampally, first-generation CAR-Ms have limited persistence and fail to significantly reduce plaque load, which led us to engineer next-generation CAR-Ms that secrete M-CSF and self-maintain without exogenous cytokines. Cytokine secreting “reinforced CAR-Ms” have greater survival in the brain niche and significantly reduce plaque load locally in vivo. These findings support CAR-Ms as a platform to rationally target, resorb, and degrade pathogenic material that accumulates with age, as exemplified by targeting Aβ in AD.
Alexander B. Kim, Qingli Xiao, Ping Yan, Qiuyun Pan, Gaurav Pandey, Susie Grathwohl, Ernesto Gonzales, Isabella Xu, Yoonho Cho, Hans Haecker, Slava Epelman, Abhinav Diwan, Jin-Moo Lee, Carl J. DeSelm
Suppressor of fused (SUFU) is widely regarded as a key negative regulator of the sonic hedgehog (SHH) morphogenic pathway and a known tumor suppressor of medulloblastoma (MB). However, we report here that SUFU expression was markedly increased in 75% of specimens compiled in a tissue array comprising 49 unstratified MBs. The SUFU and GLI1 expression levels in this MB array showed strong positive correlation, which was also identified in a large public data set containing 736 MBs. We further report that increasing Sufu gene dosage in mice caused preaxial polydactyly, which was associated with the expansion of the Gli3 domain in the anterior limb bud and heightened Shh signaling responses during embryonic development. Increasing Sufu gene dosage also led to accelerated cerebellar development and, when combined with ablation of the Shh receptor encoded by Patched1 (Ptch1), promoted MB tumorigenesis. These data reveal multifaceted roles of SUFU in promoting MB tumorigenesis by enhancing SHH signaling. This revelation clarifies potentially counterintuitive clinical observation of high SUFU expression in MBs and may pave way for novel strategies to reduce or reverse MB progression.
Boang Han, Yu Wang, Shen Yue, Yun-hao Zhang, Lun Kuang, Bin-bin Gao, Yue Wang, Ziyu Zhang, Xiaohong Pu, Xin-fa Wang, Chi-chung Hui, Ting-ting Yu, Chen Liu, Steven Y. Cheng
BACKGROUND Transrenal cell-free tumor DNA (TR-ctDNA), which transits from the bloodstream into urine, has the potential to enable noninvasive cancer detection for a wide variety of nonurologic cancer types.Methods Using whole-genome sequencing, we discovered that urine TR-ctDNA fragments across multiple cancer types are predominantly ultrashort (<50 bp) and, therefore, likely to be missed by conventional ctDNA assays. We developed an ultrashort droplet digital PCR assay to detect TR-ctDNA originating from HPV-associated oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinoma (HPV+ OPSCC) and confirmed that assaying ultrashort DNA is critical for sensitive cancer detection from urine samples.Results TR-ctDNA was concordant with plasma ctDNA for cancer detection in patients with HPV+ OPSCC. As proof of concept for using urine TR-ctDNA for posttreatment surveillance, in a small longitudinal case series, TR-ctDNA showed promise for noninvasive detection of recurrence of HPV+ OPSCC.Conclusion Our data indicate that focusing on ultrashort fragments of TR-ctDNA will be important for realizing the full potential of urine-based cancer diagnostics. This has implications for urine-based detection of a wide variety of cancer types and for facilitating access to care through at-home specimen collections.Funding NIH grants R33 CA229023, R21 CA225493; NIH/National Cancer Institute grants U01 CA183848, R01 CA184153, and P30CA046592; American Cancer Society RSG-18-062-01-TBG; American Cancer Society Mission Boost grant MBGI-22-056-01-MBG; and the A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute.
Chandan Bhambhani, Qing Kang, Daniel H. Hovelson, Erin Sandford, Mary Olesnavich, Sarah M. Dermody, Jenny Wolfgang, Kirsten L. Tuck, Collin Brummel, Apurva D. Bhangale, Kuang He, Marc G. Gutierrez, Ryan H. Lindstrom, Chia-Jen Liu, Melissa Tuck, Malathi Kandarpa, Michelle Mierzwa, Keith Casper, Mark E. Prince, John C. Krauss, Moshe Talpaz, N. Lynn Henry, Maria D. Giraldez, Nithya Ramnath, Scott A. Tomlins, Paul L. Swiecicki, J. Chad Brenner, Muneesh Tewari