Overexpression of human apolipoprotein C-III in transgenic mice results in an accumulation of apolipoprotein B48 remnants that is corrected by excess apolipoprotein …

HV De Silva, SJ Lauer, J Wang, WS Simonet… - Journal of Biological …, 1994 - jbc.org
Overexpression of human apolipoprotein (apo) C-III in the plasma of transgenic mice results
in hypertriglyceridemia, with up to a 20-fold elevation in plasma triglyceride. Nearly all of the
triglyceride accumulates in the d< 1.006 g/ml lipoprotein fraction, which consists
predominantly of apoB48-containing particles having a low apoE: apoB48 ratio in contrast to
normal mice. The transgenic and nontransgenic d< 1.006 g/ml lipoproteins are similar in
size, and they are equivalent substrates for lipoprotein lipase in vitro. Total apoB100 levels …