Adenylyl cyclase 6 is selectively regulated by protein kinase A phosphorylation in a region involved in Gαs stimulation

Y Chen, A Harry, J Li, MJ Smit, X Bai… - Proceedings of the …, 1997 -
Y Chen, A Harry, J Li, MJ Smit, X Bai, R Magnusson, JP Pieroni, G Weng, R Iyengar
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,
Receptors activate adenylyl cyclases through the Gαs subunit. Previous studies from our
laboratory have shown in certain cell types that express adenylyl cyclase 6 (AC6),
heterologous desensitization included reduction of the capability of adenylyl cyclases to be
stimulated by Gαs. Here we further analyze protein kinase A (PKA) effects on adenylyl
cyclases. PKA treatment of recombinant AC6 in insect cell membranes results in a selective
loss of stimulation by high (> 10 nM) concentrations of Gαs. Similar treatment of AC1 or AC2 …
Receptors activate adenylyl cyclases through the Gαs subunit. Previous studies from our laboratory have shown in certain cell types that express adenylyl cyclase 6 (AC6), heterologous desensitization included reduction of the capability of adenylyl cyclases to be stimulated by Gαs. Here we further analyze protein kinase A (PKA) effects on adenylyl cyclases. PKA treatment of recombinant AC6 in insect cell membranes results in a selective loss of stimulation by high (>10 nM) concentrations of Gαs. Similar treatment of AC1 or AC2 did not affect Gαs stimulation. Conversion of Ser-674 in AC6 to an Ala blocks PKA phosphorylation and PKA-mediated loss of Gαs stimulation. A peptide encoding the region 660–682 of AC6 blocks stimulation of AC6 and AC2 by high concentrations of Gαs. Substitution of Ser-674 to Asp in the peptide renders the peptide ineffective, indicating that the region 660–682 of AC6 is involved in regulation of signal transfer from Gαs. This region contains a conserved motif present in most adenylyl cyclases; however, the PKA phosphorylation site is unique to members of the AC6 family. These observations suggest a mechanism of how isoform selective regulatory diversity can be obtained within conserved regions involved in signal communication.