Overcoming the memory barrier in tolerance induction: molecular mimicry and functional heterogeneity among pathogen-specific T-cell populations
A major challenge facing the field over the next decade is to define the heterogeneity that
exists within memory T-cell populations that impacts graft survival. Understanding the
functional and phenotypic differences that modify the memory T-cell barrier to tolerance
induction might allow a strategy in which strength of immunosuppression could be tailored to
fit the immunological history of a given transplant recipient in order to minimize nonimmune
toxicities, maximize protective immunity, and prolong graft survival.
exists within memory T-cell populations that impacts graft survival. Understanding the
functional and phenotypic differences that modify the memory T-cell barrier to tolerance
induction might allow a strategy in which strength of immunosuppression could be tailored to
fit the immunological history of a given transplant recipient in order to minimize nonimmune
toxicities, maximize protective immunity, and prolong graft survival.
A major challenge facing the field over the next decade is to define the heterogeneity that exists within memory T-cell populations that impacts graft survival. Understanding the functional and phenotypic differences that modify the memory T-cell barrier to tolerance induction might allow a strategy in which strength of immunosuppression could be tailored to fit the immunological history of a given transplant recipient in order to minimize nonimmune toxicities, maximize protective immunity, and prolong graft survival.