Amadori glycated proteins: role in production of autoantibodies in diabetes mellitus and effect of inhibitors on non-enzymatic glycation

NA Ansari, D Dash - Aging and disease, 2012 -
NA Ansari, D Dash
Aging and disease,
Nonenzymatic glycation of macromolecules, especially proteins leading to their oxidation is
increased in diabetes mellitus due to hyperglycemia and play an important role in
associated complications of the disease. The glycation primarily occurs at intrachain lysine
residues of proteins and results in the formation of an early stage stable product as Amadori-
lysine which undergo further irreversible chemical reactions to form advanced glycation
endproducts. This review deals with the role of Amadori modified proteins in pathogenesis of …
Nonenzymatic glycation of macromolecules, especially proteins leading to their oxidation is increased in diabetes mellitus due to hyperglycemia and play an important role in associated complications of the disease. The glycation primarily occurs at intrachain lysine residues of proteins and results in the formation of an early stage stable product as Amadori-lysine which undergo further irreversible chemical reactions to form advanced glycation endproducts. This review deals with the role of Amadori modified proteins in pathogenesis of diabetes. We aim to explain immunogenicity of Amadori-glycated proteins, which might be involve in production of serum autoantibodies in the diabetic patients, and effect of inhibitors on the glycation process.