Introducing genes into mammalian cells: viral vectors
M Sena-Esteves, G Gao - Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2020 -
M Sena-Esteves, G Gao
Cold Spring Harbor Protocols, 2020•cshprotocols.cshlp.orgOver the years, many different viral vector systems have been developed to take advantage
of the specific biological properties and tropisms of a large number of mammalian viruses.
As a result, researchers wanting to introduce and/or express genes in mammalian cells have
many options, as discussed here.
of the specific biological properties and tropisms of a large number of mammalian viruses.
As a result, researchers wanting to introduce and/or express genes in mammalian cells have
many options, as discussed here.
Over the years, many different viral vector systems have been developed to take advantage of the specific biological properties and tropisms of a large number of mammalian viruses. As a result, researchers wanting to introduce and/or express genes in mammalian cells have many options, as discussed here.