[CITATION][C] Liver International: anticipating the future of hepatology worldwide
It is with great enthusiasm and pride that we take over, as Editor‐(LV) and co‐Editor‐in‐chief
(AA and AF), the direction of Liver International. Indeed, after five years (2014‐2019) under
the expert guidance of Mario Mondelli, Zobair Younossi, and Francesco Negro, the quality of
science published by Liver International has increased steadily, thanks to a rigorous, fair,
and timely review process (median time to first decision now 3 days, 28 days for papers
which undergo peer revision), the hard work of the whole Editorial Team, to which we have …
(AA and AF), the direction of Liver International. Indeed, after five years (2014‐2019) under
the expert guidance of Mario Mondelli, Zobair Younossi, and Francesco Negro, the quality of
science published by Liver International has increased steadily, thanks to a rigorous, fair,
and timely review process (median time to first decision now 3 days, 28 days for papers
which undergo peer revision), the hard work of the whole Editorial Team, to which we have …
It is with great enthusiasm and pride that we take over, as Editor‐(LV) and co‐Editor‐in‐chief (AA and AF), the direction of Liver International. Indeed, after five years (2014‐2019) under the expert guidance of Mario Mondelli, Zobair Younossi, and Francesco Negro, the quality of science published by Liver International has increased steadily, thanks to a rigorous, fair, and timely review process (median time to first decision now 3 days, 28 days for papers which undergo peer revision), the hard work of the whole Editorial Team, to which we have contributed, and the support of the Editor. This has led to establish a robust trend for an increase in the impact factor (now 5.542), submissions (1650) number of downloads (> 350 000), and of the journal visibility in the social media. We have to highlight that the journal is improving its IF and its reputation, the review process is very smooth and Liver International has become a very attractive journal for hepatology science, and in part is thanks to the previous Editorial team (with Mario as Editor‐in‐chief).
Our goal will go even beyond these results by maintaining the continuity with the previous management, while innovating at the same time. Indeed, the mission of Liver International is to promote all aspects of the science of hepatology, from basic research to applied clinical studies. Providing an international forum for the publication of high‐quality original research, it wants to be a useful resource for everyone working on the normal and pathological function of the liver and its cells, including clinicians and basic scientists involved in the multi‐disciplinary field of hepatology, as well as other medical disciplines in which the liver plays a key role. We want to publish the epidemiological, clinical, translational and basic research findings that will shape the future of hepatology in the next years at world‐wide level, confirming the truly international vocation of our journal (about 45% published from Europe, 30% from Asia, 20% from North America, 30% international papers). To do so, we will target and give room to emerging new fields of hepatological research, including human genetics, epigenetics, gut‐liver axis, leading to development of molecular biomarkers, in‐novative therapies, regenerative and precision medicine on one side, and the role of lifestyle, metabolic disorders, and of public health approach on the other. This is especially important during an era characterized by a marked and complex change in the epidemiology and treatment of liver diseases, where the focus is shifting from viral hepatitis and its sequelae to multiorgan diseases such as nonalco‐holic fatty liver disease. We will maintain a particular interest in the