Recent advances in understanding eosinophil biology
A Klion - F1000Research, 2017 -
F1000Research, 2017•
With the advent of novel therapies targeting eosinophils, there has been renewed interest in
understanding the basic biology of this unique cell. In this context, murine models and
human studies have continued to highlight the role of the eosinophil in homeostatic
functions and immunoregulation. This review will focus on recent advances in our
understanding of eosinophil biology that are likely to have important consequences on the
development and consequences of eosinophil-targeted therapies. Given the breadth of the …
understanding the basic biology of this unique cell. In this context, murine models and
human studies have continued to highlight the role of the eosinophil in homeostatic
functions and immunoregulation. This review will focus on recent advances in our
understanding of eosinophil biology that are likely to have important consequences on the
development and consequences of eosinophil-targeted therapies. Given the breadth of the …
With the advent of novel therapies targeting eosinophils, there has been renewed interest in understanding the basic biology of this unique cell. In this context, murine models and human studies have continued to highlight the role of the eosinophil in homeostatic functions and immunoregulation. This review will focus on recent advances in our understanding of eosinophil biology that are likely to have important consequences on the development and consequences of eosinophil-targeted therapies. Given the breadth of the topic, the discussion will be limited to three areas of interest: the eosinophil life cycle, eosinophil heterogeneity, and mechanisms of cell-cell communication.