Prediction of glycosylation across the human proteome and the correlation to protein function

R Gupta, S Brunak - Biocomputing 2002, 2001 - World Scientific
Biocomputing 2002, 2001World Scientific
Prediction of glycosylation across the human proteome and the correlation to protein
function Ramneek Gupta and S0ren Brunak Cen Page 1 Prediction of glycosylation across
the human proteome and the correlation to protein function Ramneek Gupta and S0ren
Brunak Center for Biological Sequence Analysis, Bldg-208, Bio-Centrum Technical
University of Denmark, DK-2800 Lyngby, Denmark. 1 Introduction The addition of a
carbohydrate moeity to the side-chain of a residue in a protein chain influences the …
The following sections are included:
  • Introduction
  • Methods
    • Data set
    • Functional categories for proteins
  • Results
    • N-Glycosylation
    • O-linked GalNAc Glycosylation
    • O-linked GlcNAc Glycosylation
  • Final Remarks
  • Acknowledgements
  • References
World Scientific