Initial stages of neural regeneration in Helisoma trivolvis are dependent upon PLA2 activity

MS Geddis, V Rehder - Journal of neurobiology, 2003 - Wiley Online Library
MS Geddis, V Rehder
Journal of neurobiology, 2003Wiley Online Library
Neuronal regeneration after damage to an axon tract requires the rapid sealing of the
injured plasma membrane and the subsequent formation of growth cones that can lead
regenerating processes to their appropriate target. Membrane sealing and growth cone
formation are Ca2+‐dependent processes, but the signaling pathways activated by Ca2+ to
bring about these effects remain poorly understood. An in vitro injury model was employed
in which neurites from identified snail neurons (Helisoma trivolvis) were transected with a …
Neuronal regeneration after damage to an axon tract requires the rapid sealing of the injured plasma membrane and the subsequent formation of growth cones that can lead regenerating processes to their appropriate target. Membrane sealing and growth cone formation are Ca2+‐dependent processes, but the signaling pathways activated by Ca2+ to bring about these effects remain poorly understood. An in vitro injury model was employed in which neurites from identified snail neurons (Helisoma trivolvis) were transected with a glass microknife, and the formation of new growth cones from the distal portions of transected neurites was recorded at defined times after transection. This study presents three main results. First, phospholipase A2 (PLA2), a calcium‐activated enzyme, is necessary for membrane sealing in vitro. Second, PLA2 activity is also required for the formation of a new growth cone after the membrane has sealed successfully. Thus, PLA2 plays a dual role by affecting both growth cone formation and membrane sealing. Third, the injury‐induced activation of PLA2 by Ca2+ controls growth cone formation through the production of leukotrienes, secondary metabolites of PLA2 activity. Taken together, these results suggest that the injury‐induced Ca2+ influx acts via PLA2 and leukotriene production to assure growth cone formation. These findings indicate that events that cause an inhibition of PLA2 or lipoxygenases, enzymes that produce leukotrienes, could result in the inability of neurites to regenerate. © 2003 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Neurobiol 54: 555–565, 2003
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