A germinal center–independent pathway generates unswitched memory B cells early in the primary response
JJ Taylor, KA Pape, MK Jenkins - Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2012 - rupress.org
JJ Taylor, KA Pape, MK Jenkins
Journal of Experimental Medicine, 2012•rupress.orgMemory B cells can be produced from the classical germinal center (GC) pathway or a less
understood GC-independent route. We used antigen-based cell enrichment to assess the
relative contributions of these pathways to the polyclonal memory B cell pool. We identified a
CD38+ GL7+ B cell precursor population that differentiated directly into IgM+ or isotype-
switched (sw) Ig+ memory B cells in a GC-independent fashion in response to strong CD40
stimulation. Alternatively, CD38+ GL7+ B cell precursors had the potential to become Bcl-6+ …
understood GC-independent route. We used antigen-based cell enrichment to assess the
relative contributions of these pathways to the polyclonal memory B cell pool. We identified a
CD38+ GL7+ B cell precursor population that differentiated directly into IgM+ or isotype-
switched (sw) Ig+ memory B cells in a GC-independent fashion in response to strong CD40
stimulation. Alternatively, CD38+ GL7+ B cell precursors had the potential to become Bcl-6+ …
Memory B cells can be produced from the classical germinal center (GC) pathway or a less understood GC-independent route. We used antigen-based cell enrichment to assess the relative contributions of these pathways to the polyclonal memory B cell pool. We identified a CD38+ GL7+ B cell precursor population that differentiated directly into IgM+ or isotype-switched (sw) Ig+ memory B cells in a GC-independent fashion in response to strong CD40 stimulation. Alternatively, CD38+ GL7+ B cell precursors had the potential to become Bcl-6+ GC cells that then generated primarily swIg+ memory B cells. These results demonstrate that early IgM+ and swIg+ memory B cells are products of a GC-independent pathway, whereas later switched Ig+ memory B cells are products of GC cells.
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