Dysfunctional CD8 T cells form a proliferative, dynamically regulated compartment within human melanoma

H Li, AM van der Leun, I Yofe, Y Lubling… - Cell, 2020 - cell.com
H Li, AM van der Leun, I Yofe, Y Lubling, D Gelbard-Solodkin, ACJ van Akkooi
Cell, 2020cell.com
(Cell 176, 775–789. e1–e18; February 7, 2019) A reader has called our attention to a
printout error in Table S3. Values in column ''cell_id''in sheet ''seq_stats_total''were shuffled
in the submitted table and are now in the correct order. Tumor origin of two patients (patient
3 and 4) was also mis-labeled, and was corrected from LN (lymph node) to (S) C
(subcutaneous). The breakdown of number of cells in each metacell by tumor location in the
sheets ''lfp_values_total,''''lfp_values_T_NK''and ''lfp_values_non_T_NK''has been corrected …
(Cell 176, 775–789. e1–e18; February 7, 2019) A reader has called our attention to a printout error in Table S3. Values in column ‘‘cell_id’’in sheet ‘‘seq_stats_total’’were shuffled in the submitted table and are now in the correct order. Tumor origin of two patients (patient 3 and 4) was also mis-labeled, and was corrected from LN (lymph node) to (S) C (subcutaneous). The breakdown of number of cells in each metacell by tumor location in the sheets ‘‘lfp_values_total,’’‘‘lfp_values_T_NK’’and ‘‘lfp_values_non_T_NK’’has been corrected accordingly. The error has been corrected online. We apologize for any confusion this might have caused. ll