[CITATION][C] The technic of cesarean section, with special reference to the lower uterine segment incision

JMM Kerr - American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1926 - Elsevier
Practically all writers have been forced to the conclusion that in a fair percentage of cases
the scar after the ordinary longitudinal incision is not satisfactory. Couvelaire'titates that in 17
per cent of cases there is an unsatisfactory cicatrix, in 10 per cent extreme thinning of the
cicatrix, and in 2 per cent rupture of the uterus. Losee,? McPherson, s and Findlay give
somewhat similar experiences. Eardley Holland5 organized, early in 1920, among a large
number of obstetric surgeons in Great Britain and Ireland, a follow-up inquiry into the …