Serine carboxypeptidases in regulation of vasoconstriction and elastogenesis

AV Pshezhetsky, A Hinek - Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 2009 - Elsevier
Lysosomal carboxypeptidases play important roles in catabolism of proteins and peptides
and in posttranslational processing of other lysosomal enzymes. The major lysosomal serine
carboxypeptidase A (cathepsin A [CathA]), also known as protective protein, activates and
stabilizes two other lysosomal enzymes, β-galactosidase and neuraminidase/sialidase 1.
Genetic deficiency of CathA (galactosialidosis) causes the lysosomal storage of sialylated
glycoconjugates and leads to a multiorgan pathology. The galactosialidosis patients also …