[CITATION][C] Isolation and characterization of exosomes from cell culture supernatants and biological fluids. Curr. Protoc. Cell Biol. Chapter 3: Unit 3.22
C Théry, S Amigorena, G Raposo, A Clayton - 22, 2006
[CITATION][C] Isolation and Characterization of Exosomes from Cell Culture Supernatants and Biological Fluids, Current Protocols in Cell Biology, Chapter 3 Unit 3.22
C Thery, S Amigorena, G Raposo, A Clayton - 2006
[CITATION][C] A C.(2006) Isolation and characterization of exosomes from cell culture supernatants and biological fluids
C Théry, S Amigorena, G Raposo, A Clayton - Curr Protoc Cell Biol, 2006