The connection between BRG1, CTCF and topoisomerases at TAD boundaries

AR Barutcu, JB Lian, JL Stein, GS Stein, AN Imbalzano - Nucleus, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
AR Barutcu, JB Lian, JL Stein, GS Stein, AN Imbalzano
Nucleus, 2017Taylor & Francis
The eukaryotic genome is partitioned into topologically associating domains (TADs). Despite
recent advances characterizing TADs and TAD boundaries, the organization of these
structures is an important dimension of genome architecture and function that is not well
understood. Recently, we demonstrated that knockdown of BRG1, an ATPase driving the
chromatin remodeling activity of mammalian SWI/SNF enzymes, globally alters long-range
genomic interactions and results in a reduction of TAD boundary strength. We provided …
The eukaryotic genome is partitioned into topologically associating domains (TADs). Despite recent advances characterizing TADs and TAD boundaries, the organization of these structures is an important dimension of genome architecture and function that is not well understood. Recently, we demonstrated that knockdown of BRG1, an ATPase driving the chromatin remodeling activity of mammalian SWI/SNF enzymes, globally alters long-range genomic interactions and results in a reduction of TAD boundary strength. We provided evidence suggesting that this effect may be due to BRG1 affecting nucleosome occupancy around CTCF sites present at TAD boundaries. In this review, we elaborate on our findings and speculate that BRG1 may contribute to the regulation of the structural and functional properties of chromatin at TAD boundaries by affecting the function or the recruitment of CTCF and DNA topoisomerase complexes.
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