Do we age because we have mitochondria?

J Bereiter-Hahn - Protoplasma, 2014 - Springer
J Bereiter-Hahn
Protoplasma, 2014Springer
The process of aging remains a great riddle. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS)
by mitochondria is an inevitable by-product of respiration, which has led to a hypothesis
proposing the oxidative impairment of mitochondrial components (eg, mtDNA, proteins,
lipids) that initiates a vicious cycle of dysfunctional respiratory complexes producing more
ROS, which again impairs function. This does not exclude other processes acting in parallel
or targets for ROS action in other organelles than mitochondria. Given that aging is defined …
The process of aging remains a great riddle. Production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by mitochondria is an inevitable by-product of respiration, which has led to a hypothesis proposing the oxidative impairment of mitochondrial components (e.g., mtDNA, proteins, lipids) that initiates a vicious cycle of dysfunctional respiratory complexes producing more ROS, which again impairs function. This does not exclude other processes acting in parallel or targets for ROS action in other organelles than mitochondria. Given that aging is defined as the process leading to death, the role of mitochondria-based impairments in those organ systems responsible for human death (e.g., the cardiovascular system, cerebral dysfunction, and cancer) is described within the context of “garbage” accumulation and increasing insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, and glycation of proteins. Mitochondrial mass, fusion, and fission are important factors in coping with impaired function. Both biogenesis of mitochondria and their degradation are important regulatory mechanisms stimulated by physical exercise and contribute to healthy aging. The hypothesis of mitochondria-related aging should be revised to account for the limitations of the degradative capacity of the lysosomal system. The processes involved in mitochondria-based impairments are very similar across a large range of organisms. Therefore, studies on model organisms from yeast, fungi, nematodes, flies to vertebrates, and from cells to organisms also add considerably to the understanding of human aging.