Harnessing pandemonium: the clinical implications of tumor heterogeneity in ovarian cancer

SP Blagden - Frontiers in oncology, 2015 - frontiersin.org
SP Blagden
Frontiers in oncology, 2015frontiersin.org
Heterogeneity has emerged as a key feature of ovarian cancer between different ovarian
cancer subtypes; within single ovarian cancer subtypes; and within individual patient tumors.
At the genomic level, with the advent of ultra-deep sequencing technologies alongside RNA-
Seq, epigenomics, and proteomics, the complexity surrounding heterogeneity has
deepened. Here, we summarize the emerging understanding of heterogeneity in cancer as
a whole and the key discoveries in this area relating to ovarian cancer. We explore the …
Heterogeneity has emerged as a key feature of ovarian cancer between different ovarian cancer subtypes; within single ovarian cancer subtypes; and within individual patient tumors. At the genomic level, with the advent of ultra-deep sequencing technologies alongside RNA-Seq, epigenomics, and proteomics, the complexity surrounding heterogeneity has deepened. Here, we summarize the emerging understanding of heterogeneity in cancer as a whole and the key discoveries in this area relating to ovarian cancer. We explore the therapeutic limitations and possibilities posed by heterogeneity and how these will influence the future of ovarian cancer treatment and research.