Shaping development with ESCRTs
Nature cell biology, 2012•
Originally identified for their involvement in endosomal sorting and multivesicular endosome
(MVE) biogenesis, components of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport
(ESCRT) are now known to control additional cellular functions such as receptor signalling,
cytokinesis, autophagy, polarity, migration, miRNA activity and mRNA transport. The diverse
cell biological functions of ESCRT proteins are translated into a pleiotropic set of
developmental trajectories that reflect the wide repertoire of these evolutionarily conserved …
(MVE) biogenesis, components of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport
(ESCRT) are now known to control additional cellular functions such as receptor signalling,
cytokinesis, autophagy, polarity, migration, miRNA activity and mRNA transport. The diverse
cell biological functions of ESCRT proteins are translated into a pleiotropic set of
developmental trajectories that reflect the wide repertoire of these evolutionarily conserved …
Originally identified for their involvement in endosomal sorting and multivesicular endosome (MVE) biogenesis, components of the endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) are now known to control additional cellular functions such as receptor signalling, cytokinesis, autophagy, polarity, migration, miRNA activity and mRNA transport. The diverse cell biological functions of ESCRT proteins are translated into a pleiotropic set of developmental trajectories that reflect the wide repertoire of these evolutionarily conserved proteins.