Prophylaxis measures for postinjection endophthalmitis
Intravitreal injections have become the most commonly performed ophthalmic procedure,
transforming modern retina practice. Postinjection endophthalmitis, while rare, remains the
most feared potential complication. Prophylaxis measures including topical antisepsis, hand
hygiene, gloves, masks, and drapes have all been proposed to help prevent postinjection
endophthalmitis; however, there remains significant variation in protocol, given the lack of
agreement among retina specialists on which steps are crucial to prevent endophthalmitis …
transforming modern retina practice. Postinjection endophthalmitis, while rare, remains the
most feared potential complication. Prophylaxis measures including topical antisepsis, hand
hygiene, gloves, masks, and drapes have all been proposed to help prevent postinjection
endophthalmitis; however, there remains significant variation in protocol, given the lack of
agreement among retina specialists on which steps are crucial to prevent endophthalmitis …