[HTML][HTML] A ceramide-centric view of insulin resistance

JA Chavez, SA Summers - Cell metabolism, 2012 - cell.com
JA Chavez, SA Summers
Cell metabolism, 2012cell.com
The recent implementation of genomic and lipidomic approaches has produced a large
body of evidence implicating the sphingolipid ceramide in a diverse range of physiological
processes and as a critical modulator of cellular stress. In this review, we discuss from a
historical perspective the most important discoveries produced over the last decade
supporting a role for ceramide and its metabolites in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance
and other obesity-associated metabolic diseases. Moreover, we describe how a ceramide …
The recent implementation of genomic and lipidomic approaches has produced a large body of evidence implicating the sphingolipid ceramide in a diverse range of physiological processes and as a critical modulator of cellular stress. In this review, we discuss from a historical perspective the most important discoveries produced over the last decade supporting a role for ceramide and its metabolites in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance and other obesity-associated metabolic diseases. Moreover, we describe how a ceramide-centric view of insulin resistance might be reconciled in the context of other prominent models of nutrient-induced insulin resistance.